Redhot Ranch

Redhot Ranch (Website)

2072 N Western Ave, Chicago, IL 60647

773-772-6020 (Map It)


     Mon-Thurs, Sun, 10:30a-4:00a

     Fri-Sat, 10:30a-5:00a

Electrical Outlets:




A little food …

Hungry Physicists are demanding customers with strong attentions to detail.  Identifying irregularities in food is child’s-play compared to plumbing the hidden depths of the Universe.  Hot dogs – especially Chicago hot dogs – fuse nature’s best things; tomato, pickle, sport pepper, onion, relish, celery salt, mustard, steamed bun.  If even a small change occurs, such as adding ketchup or removing the peppers, the fragile equilibrium is lost.



That said, Hungry Physicists on a search for a great Chicago hot dog should avoid the Redhot Ranch.  They advertise Vienna Beef hot dogs, but some aspect of their preparation changes the flavor to something less than desirable.  Along with over-steamed buns they create a sub-standard hot dog experience.  And … I’m just not keen on hot dogs being wrapped in french fries, and then wrapped in foil.  Pictured is proof that hot dogs and french fries are in fact not Bosons.  On the plus side, Redhot Ranch is inexpensive, well-located, and has ample outdoor seating and parking.  OH, their fries are ok, but not good enough to offset the hot dogs.

A little science …

Some things in the Universe actually like being smashed together into the same quantum state.  I don’t mean like the movie “Time Cop”, with the whole ‘Can’t occupy the same space and time’.  I mean, for lack of a more complete and simple way of saying it, they like to have the same energy characteristics.  Helium-4, for example, when cooled to just the right temperature will turn into a superfluid resembling the appearance of water.  Except, instead of remaining nicely contained within the beaker, superfluidic Helium-4 will creep up the sides of the beaker all by itself, leave the beaker, and collect on the outside bottom into a small drop.  At that point, the drop breaks away and a new drop forms.