Rice Pudding (Diabetic Friendly)

Texture – that’s what I love about rice pudding.  Something about the creaminess combined with the soft chew of the rice just… satisfies me!  This recipe nails the characteristic texture, it just trades the sugar for Splenda.  You can also use Stevia in this recipe, but I found that Splenda simply tastes better in this application. This recipe can be boiled down to three elements – cooking the rice, establishing[...]

Marshmallow Cream

What do Moon Pies, Fluffer-Nutters, and Ho-Hos all have in common?  Marshmallow cream!  Sure you can buy it at the store… but why do that when you can spend time and effort making it yourself?  Seriously though, this recipe is much better than the store-bought version.  It’s a bit technical, but gives you the opportunity to hone a couple different baking techniques. If you remove the gelatine, and the water[...]

Moon Pies

Ahhh Moon Pies… they take me all the way back to my childhood.  During those innocent days, before I knew Diabetes was a thing, I’d gorge myself on these celestial snacks.  In fact, more than once as I perfected this recipe I said aloud, “Screw Diabetes…” and ate one anyway.  Go ahead, you know you want to… This recipe provides an opportunity for practicing a couple of slightly advanced baking[...]

Banana Nut Bread (Diabetic Friendly)

Finding Diabetic friendly versions of baked goods is complicated because all-purpose flour doesn’t convert to whole wheat flour in a one-to-one ratio, and non-sugar substitutes have different chemistry than normal sugar.  Recipes involving those types of ingredients need to be iterated and improved until they turn out right.  This Banana Nut Bread recipe wonderfully demonstrates how successful that process can be! You might be tempted to use any bananas for[...]

Better Graham Cracker Crust

Graham cracker crusts are easy to use, sweet, and fun to prepare.  This is my preferred graham cracker crust recipe because the dough is more manageable than this Graham Cracker Crust recipe.  You actually make the graham crackers in dough form! Refrigeration is an important, but not completely necessary, step for this recipe.  Chilling the dough allows it to be more manageable when forming it in the pie pan.  However,[...]

Graham Cracker Crust

Crusts based on crumbled graham crackers or cookies are fantastic and simple. However, they can be a pain to work with. The following recipe makes a fairly standard graham cracker crust, but like most of them the end result is not very sturdy. The flavor is great, the structure is… eh. For a better all-around crust see the Better Graham Cracker Crust recipe. Butter binds this recipe together.  I hypothesize[...]


Who doesn’t like cinnamon-sugar shortbread? Any Hungry Physicists making these should be warned – people will ask you to make them constantly. This recipe is great for working with Little Lab Partners, too!  (even those lab partners who can’t seem to follow instructions and lose track of the number of drops of potassium permanganate they titrated into your solution, ruining the lab you spent hours preparing…. Deep breaths… those days[...]